160 kms away from Mahatma Gandhi’s birth place Porbander city, is also known as Gir Wildlife Sanctuary and Sasan Gir National park. Established by Government of India in 1965, basically to protect Asiatic lions from poaching and enhance their population. Spread over 1412 sq. kms of which 258 kms are fully protected area. In 2005 April, 359 lions were counted here, about 300 leopards are also here.
Location : District Junagadh, western coastal state Gujrat, India. Nearest railway & bus station– Sasan (1km), nearby town- Junagadh 50 km, Rajkot city-160 kms. Nearby port Diu (Old Portuguese colony) 100 km.
Best Time to Visit : Other than monsoon season, but best from November to April.
Best Way to Reach : Go to Rajkot by air, road or rail than to Sasan by road or rail.
Accommodation : Many types of accommodations are available here but get prereserved.
Fauna : Asiatic lions, leopards, nilgai (blue bull), striped hyenas, wild ass, chinkara, ruddy mongoose, wild boar, chousinga (four horned antelopes), jungle cats, langurs, magar (crocodiles) etc.
Avifauna : Paradise fly catcher, crested serpent eagle, bonneli’s eagle, spoon bill, wood peckers, flamingoes, painted sand grouse, white ibis, black ibis etc.
Center of Attraction : Asiatic lions, leopards, wild hilly surroundings. Park authorities organize “Lion Shows” in Dewaliya zone for visitors which are a major center of attraction.
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